Sunday, May 5, 2013

Hidden Gems: Autopia Statues

Autopia houses much history, as it has carried guests around Tomorrowland in small motor cars for nearly 60 years. For instance: did you know that it has been driven by many famous guests, including President Ronald Reagan, and members of the Rat Pack?

Yes, that is the real Frank Sinatra
But even today, it has a little bit of history still embedded in it. And I'm not just talking about the outdated Chevron cars...

What many have mistaken for a replica of a Mr. Toad's Wild Ride car, is in fact the real deal. It has been bronzed and put upon a pedestal to imitate a statue. So if you rode Mr. Toad's Wild Ride before the 1980's refurbishment of Autopia, you may actually have rode in this vehicle. But it doesn't stop there. Another statue on Autopia is from an older ride known as Midget Autopia; an Autopia designed for children.

Since there's a lot to say about this ride, we'll post a full article soon. For now, enjoy these two nods to the past.



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